
Georg Cernusca

Reportage from Zuckerhüt
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
But I have interest - I was interested in such things, always something to bring new - and have learned that it separates the sheep from South to North Tirol is, in the belly area - over the glacier float over to pasture. Namely, they have had the right to pasture, to graze here in Northern Tyrol. And since then they have their sheep and hinübergebracht .. at "Our Lady" in South Tyrol, which was - which is high and Niederjoch. The Hochjoch is lower as the Niederjoch. To the 200 meters. And below we have slept since the first time, we are up and have us .. looked at, as it is. Given that Venter was the whole glacier, and everything was right down to Sölden was almost everything freezes. And that's not there today. Since they have driven over the sheep, because here the pasture - they have had grazing rights. And when a sheep is born, a young, what often happens because they have worn it and washed and so on, who cared for the sheep. This is the Fritz Bieler, who was a very capable man Yes, and I and another .. had the HTL made here of here there. He is on the same Patscherkofel, father. This is the Hermann. What's his name in the same family name? Yes, yes. .. And that was the portable machine, which we carried up. - I pushed it further and I wanted - I wanted to show everything on the radio. And all these people who have then come up - the Bieler, then those who work up here, and then the people from the station - yes, the mountain guide. Yes. And I am here. Since we are all sitting here now at the "Zuckerhütl" above. Now, of course, was the background .. such a report - that was .. in a time when there were relatively high political tensions between Austria and Italy in the context of South Tyrol. If you go to the "Zuckerhütl" above is one is almost a foot in South Tyrol, is still in Austria or in Northern Tyrol. And such a report was therefore at this time a unique situation because it just possible for the station was Innsbruck, on the South Tyrol, but to send something from North Tyrol. So, this is a great and very interesting political situation for the entire population of North Tyrol and South Tyrol. It has been heard at that time in South Tyrol Innsbruck radio already, and I can imagine it was also the time when Tyrol was occupied by our protecting power France. I can well imagine that the first had to be clarified - because that was still far in front of the treaty - whether one is allowed to send such a thing. Yes, yes, yes. This was the case. And I suspect that that was the cause. Yes, it was indeed so. .. How long since this was posted? How long was because the radio show? Can you remember? Have you heard yourself? Half an hour approximately. Yes, I can almost remember a forty-five minutes. And then we have heard this show? We have in "Brixen im Thale" normal. Yes, I think, with headphones, we have received below. In Brixen it is very bad, I can remember. .. You had to cut so well, the band - at that time we have even cut the ribbons! Yes, cut, I did this with the Biel, the tape. Yes. How long has he lasted this, the work of cutting? Naja. Has gone on.